Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Diabetes - Diet, exercise and glucometers

In market, these days some machines are available to test blood sugar and blood pressure. We can use them at home. How effective are such machines? Do they pin point accurately or only give the trend?
They are called as Glucometers. They are excellent tool to have for those who are on anti-diabetic medications to check the blood sugar trends during various times in a day. People on insulins or tablets also use it if they have dizziness just to document hypoglycemia so that the dose of the medication could be altered. They are not very accurate but the difference is just 10-15 which is acceptable for monitoring the trend.

For those who are not yet diagnosed to be diabetic, lab blood test should be the one to confirm the diagnosis, not a glucometer.

If I do not walk in park / open area, can i use threadmill? Is threadmill equally effective as walking. For how much duration should I use the threadmill to keep my self fit?
Treadmill can definitely be used. In the end it is a muscle exercise, which demands calorie burning. For first 10-15 mins of exercise, body glucose is used. Only after first 15-20 mins body starts using fat for exercise. One must start gradually and step up from 15 mins on first day to 30-40 mins till your body gets used to it. It must be a gradual process over a month or so. If one is a heart patient, he must exercise only till the limit in which he feels comfortable and is not breathless.

So one can burn 200 to 300 calories with this exercise. This can be easily nullified by immediately eating a samosa or a vadapav just after the exercise! So you see, its not that easy as it sounds. It will need a lot of self control and motivation.

Whether diabetic patient should avoid milk (I read somewhere that milk contains lots of Glucose)?
No. Milk can be consumed provided you don't add too much of sugar and as long as it is within your daily calorie limit. Infact milk is a good source of first class proteins especially in those who don't eat nonveg. Cow's milk should be preferred over buffalo’s milk.

You can calculate your daily calorie consumption from this link. If consuming that many calories is making you overweight, you must try to cut down upon your calories by 200-300 using the same chart. The best person to guide you through this would be a qualified dietician though.


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